Online help is available for admin commands when you need general information for the AdminTask object and associated commands 当您需要AdminTask对象和关联命令的一般信息时,对管理命令可使用联机帮助
CommandName targetObject-Invokes an admin command with the specified target object string; for example, the configuration object name of a resource adapter. commandNametargetObject&使用指定的目标对象字符串调用管理命令;例如,资源适配器的配置对象名称。
CommandName targetObject options-Invokes an admin command with the specified target object and options strings. commandNametargetObjectoptions&使用指定的目标对象和选项字符串调用管理命令。
This invocation syntax is used to invoke an admin command that does not require a target object. 此调用语法用来调用不需要目标对象的管理命令。